A collaboration reading with Bouldering Poets to bring you a night of performances in anticipation of our new issue scheduled to release in Spring 2013.
List of Readers:
  1. Sopa Garma
  2. MD Friedman
  3. Melissa Mae
  4. Dank Phart the Pirate Poet
  5. Elizabeth Knauz
  6. Sarah Elizabeth Schantz
  7. Ben Martens (music or poetry)
  8. Jade Quinn
  9. Nick Meador
  10. June Lucarotti
  11. Jonathan Montgomery
  12. Asa Lotterhos
  13. Elyse Brownell & Christopher Shugrue
  14. Georgia Van Gunten
  15. Sunflower DuBois
  16. Eleanore Tisch
  17. Ashley Waterman
  18. Mark Curci
Bouldering Poets is a monthly performance series showcasing poetry, prose, music, and visual art.  Each event closes the evening with an open mic.  See  www.boulderingpoets.wordpress.comfor more information and upcoming events.

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