Submission Deadline: November 3, 2012
In the present cultural climate, the arts can no longer afford to sleep in separate rooms, cordoned off with caution tape, safe behind the borders of genre. We face hostile, well-entrenched enemies: blind consumerism, mass conformity, anti-intellectualism, public deception.
We need each other.
Cross-pollination is a blow against the prescribed limits of the ivory tower. It is a permeating of cell walls, a willful mutation. In this space, colors become sounds; objects become words; thoughts become reality.
Give us your boundary-breakers, your ekphrastic excesses, your cutups and collaborations. Write a poem to a friend’s painting and send us both. Document a dance performance and send us the pictures. Write in multiple languages, calligraphy, brushwork and sheet music. We want everything.
To submit to Semicolon's upcoming publication, please send up to 5 pages of writing, black & white visual art, multi- or cross-genre work to by November 3rd. Authors/artists selected for publication will receive two free contributor copies of the book, which will feature covers letterpressed in Naropa's Harry Smith Print Shop as well as hand-binding with linen thread.
In an increasingly wired society, we must maintain our connections. We are in the cauldron of a new world coalescing. It's time for us to come together as artists, to draw on each other's strengths, on our diversity of styles, to ensure that art survives the current dark age and establishes its place as a force in society's future.
We look forward to seeing your work!