Collaboration Reading: Saturday December 1, 2012
- - Semicolon
A collaboration reading with Bouldering Poets to bring you a night of performances in anticipation of our new issue scheduled to release in Spring 2013.
List of Readers:
- Sopa Garma
- MD Friedman
- Melissa Mae
- Dank Phart the Pirate Poet
- Elizabeth Knauz
- Sarah Elizabeth Schantz
- Ben Martens (music or poetry)
- Jade Quinn
- Nick Meador
- June Lucarotti
- Jonathan Montgomery
- Asa Lotterhos
- Elyse Brownell & Christopher Shugrue
- Georgia Van Gunten
- Sunflower DuBois
- Eleanore Tisch
- Ashley Waterman
- Mark Curci
Bouldering Poets is a monthly performance series showcasing poetry, prose, music, and visual art. Each event closes the evening with an open mic. See www.boulderingpoets. wordpress.comfor more information and upcoming events.